
為配合國家教育國際化及專業化之政策,國立東華大學管理學院聯合各系成立「管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程」,以招收世界各地優秀學生,培育國際資優人才。本國際學程以全英語教學,老師及學生以英語溝通、講授及討論管理科學及財金領域之議題,期盼能夠協助國立東華大學管理學院邁向世界,也協助世界各地優秀學子認識台灣,並讓學子獲得基本管理與財金知識,以及掌握管理科學與財金之分析能力,以符合未來企業環境需求。 本學程成立於 2011 年,提供大學部學生管理科學及財金領域之專業課程,供學生修習,學生可依其未來發展方向及興趣加以選擇,使課程更具彈性,學生可偏重管理領域或是財金領域,達到專業與彈性並重的課程學習目標。希冀未來本學院學生都能成為結合理論與實務的業界優良企管及財金學養人才。為了培育更優秀的企業管理及金融業人才及取得更傑出之學術研究成果,本系陸續聘請具管理及財務專長之師資加入本學院的行列,朝向更多元的卓越方向發展。 期盼世界各地學生加入我們,我們提供學生一個優質的學習環境,並享受世界一流的國際學習機會。 發展重點: 1. 促進本國與友邦的學術交流及相互瞭解,培育國際學生。 2. 培育具備優異英文能力的中高級管理與財金人才。 3. 培育管理與財金雙領域的一流專業人才。 系所特色: 1. 專業學科以全英語授課。 2. 外籍生與本地生共同學習。 3. 專業師資優良,課程多元與專業並俱。 進修與就業: 1. 至國際一流學府深造。 2. 至跨國企業及金融機構就業。 Introduction In order to cope with current governmental policies of education internationalization and specialization, the College of Management at National Dong Hwa University establishes the Bachelor Program of Management Science and Finance for international students by incorporating all departments in the College of Management. All courses in this program are taught in English. We hope that this program will fulfill the university goal of globalization and helps students over the world to better understand Taiwan culture. We equip the international students with basic management and finance knowledge as well as the analytical ability so that they can meet the business requisition. This program is established in 2011 and offers the specialized courses in management science and finance. The students can choose these courses based on their interests and future developments. Through the theoretical and practical courses, the students are expected to be excellent business administration and finance experts. To achieve this education goal and to excel in research, the Program has recruited professors specializing in a broad range of management and financial areas. Development: 1. Promoting both academic exchange and mutual understanding between Taiwan and other friendly countries; cultivating international students as well. 2. Cultivating mid-to-high-level management and finance professionals with excellent English proficiency. 3. Cultivating top management/finance professionals. Characteristics: 1. English-taught professional courses. 2. Joint-Class of international students and Taiwanese students. 3. Specialized faculty members delivering multi-variate courses as well as expertise. Future Study and Career: 1. To pursue higher education in first-class graduate institutes worldwide. 2. To obtain employment from transnational enterprises and financial institutions. We gladly welcome students over the world to join us for the excitement of learning.